There has been a long-felt need for a home for the Girls in the College Campus. It is locally said that boys can easily be accommodated in any rented houses; but this is not the same case with the Girls. So, as many Girls from far-flung areas expressed their difficulties of getting accommodation, a new Hostel for Girls (Minges House) was constructed to serve this purpose.
1. As the purpose of the Hostel is to keep accommodation in the spirit of a “home away from home”; So, Hostel Students are expected to have a cordial and healthy relationship with all the inmates.
2. Hostel Students are expected to abide by the decision of the Hostel Warden with respect to enforcement of the Hostel rules. Failure to abide by the Rules may badly affect the good image of the Hosteller and may draw disciplinary actions.
3. Hostel Students must keep their Rooms neat and clean. They should keep their belongings in proper order.
4. Hostel Students should not change Rooms at their own discretion – they should sleep only in their own allotted Rooms.
5. Hostel Students should be responsible for their own belongings. The Hostel authorities cannot take responsibility for any loss of cash or other valuables from their Rooms.
6. Hostel Students should keep their Rooms locked whenever they are not present in the Hostel.
7. Hostel inmates are expected to use Water and Electricity responsibly. Any irresponsible usage of these essential elements may attract disciplinary actions.
8. Hostel Students are strongly urged to refrain from defacing walls and furniture with drawings and writings. They should not damage the Hostel properties.
9. Consumption of alcohol, smoking, and use of drugs and other intoxicants in the hostel and its premises are strictly prohibited. Anyone found violating the rule will be subjected to serious disciplinary action.